Advancing the Rights of Women Workers through the 2020 Elections

11 Minutes To ReadSeik Nyan and Ye Yint Khant Maung explore the difficulties of women workers and discuss how political parties should address it.
COVID-19 and Youth Climate Change Activism in Myanmar

7 Minutes To ReadPan Nu Zaw discusses the elusiveness of youth climate change activism and proposes steps to start a movement.
A Peep over the Border

6 Minutes To ReadReshmi Banerjee ponders Indo-Myanmar relations during the COVID-19 crisis.
COVID-19 and Food Security in Chin State: A Chance to Reform the Status Quo

5 Minutes To ReadThang Deih Tuang and Jeff Williamson highlight ongoing food insecurity in Chin state and a chance for reform during COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Situation in Myanmar Prisons: Many Grave Risks and a New Opportunity?

8 Minutes To ReadAung Lin Oo and Tomas Max Martin show how the pandemic reveals perennial problems of prison governance but also strengthens rationales for reform.
COVID-19 Weaponized Against Unionists in Myanmar

6 Minutes To ReadYe Yint Khant Maung discusses the hardships unionists face during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gender, Violence and Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar

11 Minutes To ReadJae Park and Alexandre Pelletier call attention to gender in thinking about conflict in Myanmar. Despite the signing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in 2015, Myanmar is still at war with itself as fighting Read the full article…
Myanmar Needs to Redefine Its COVID-19 Stimulus Package

14 Minutes To ReadAl Lim discusses issues affecting Myanmar’s COVID-19 stimulus package and ways to improve it.
Women and COVID-19 in Myanmar

8 Minutes To ReadKassandra Neranjan and Sakshi Shetty consider the specific vulnerabilities women face in Myanmar in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
COVID-19, Political Movements and the Need to Re-examine Racial Thinking for Future Change

11 Minutes To ReadSai Latt highlights the need to investigate racial thinking for political and social change in Myanmar.