Political Change and Environmentalism in Myanmar

9 Minutes To ReadHtet Hlaing Win contends that effective environmental campaigns in Myanmar are not possible until a dramatic change in political arrangement occurs.
A Double-Edged Sword: Religious Fundamentalism Intensifies the Trauma of Rohingya Women

6 Minutes To ReadMd. Salman Rahman and Fatema Tuz Zohra Nowreen argue that religious misinterpretation traps Rohingya women in suffering.
Increasing Number of Displaced Refugees in the Post-coup Period and Humanitarian Assistance Campaigns by Myanmar Diasporic Youth

8 Minutes To ReadHnin Htet Htet Aung studies the surge in support for refugees by overseas Myanmar youth.
A Critical Situation: Responding to the Challenges of Providing Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for Myanmar

11 Minutes To ReadCharlie Artingstoll, Maha See, and Eolene Boyd-MacMillan explore a range of mental health challenges for Myanmar and identify where action is needed to increase mental health and psychosocial support.
The Human Cost of Fashion: Chinese Fashion Conglomerate (Kingsrich) and the Struggles of Burmese Garment Workers

18 Minutes To ReadHaymarn Soe Nyunt and Pai Cheimt Khaung delve into the unseen hardships of Myanmar’s garment workers with a focus on Kingsrich Garment Factory.
When even dreaming is impossible: how COVID-19 hit Myanmar women working in Thailand’s agricultural sector

6 Minutes To ReadSofie Mortensen and Saw Aung Htun Lin reflect on the gendered impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar women in Phop Phra, Thailand.
Resilience to Dual Crises: The Coup And the Pandemic

10 Minutes To ReadNgwe Min Tar Yar shares his knowledge of intercommunal support in Myanmar for people grappling with COVID-19 and the coup.
Mental Health in Myanmar: Challenges Pre- and Post- Coup

8 Minutes To ReadCharlie Artingstoll examines the multifaceted challenges to mental health services in Myanmar. (With additional research by Hsu Myat Yadanar Kyaw Soe).
The Coup in Myanmar/Burma: Collective Trauma and Resilience

8 Minutes To ReadLili Kyawt (pseudonym) reflects on experiences of trauma shared by different generations.
Yangon’s Housing Inequality during the COVID-19 Pandemic

11 Minutes To ReadKhine Yin Htun explores how social distancing highlights Yangon’s current inadequate housing conditions.