Ek Khaale – Once Upon A Time

5 Minutes To ReadGreg Constantine shares stories about Rohingya educational achievement in Myanmar, from the photo project Ek Khaale, which documents Rohingya belonging in Myanmar.
Political Change and Environmentalism in Myanmar

9 Minutes To ReadHtet Hlaing Win contends that effective environmental campaigns in Myanmar are not possible until a dramatic change in political arrangement occurs.
An Analysis of Gender Discriminatory Policies through the Lens of the 2008 Myanmar Constitution

8 Minutes To ReadSteven (pseudonym) examines the future implications of addressing gender inequalities in Myanmar.
Anything Other than the Sit-Tat

16 Minutes To ReadMyo Min outlines the hidden consequences of people’s commitment to minorities within minorities, such as the Rohingya.
“I don’t want others to face what I faced”: Stories of forced military conscription

11 Minutes To ReadEsther J collects firsthand accounts from people directly impacted by the new military conscription law. Edited by Emily Fishbein.
The Rights of Revolutionary Refugees in Thailand

9 Minutes To ReadVictoria (pseudonym) details some of the discrimination the post-coup Myanmar diaspora in Thailand face.
Making Autonomy in the Federated Shan States: The Federalism of Sao Hkun Kyi (1935)

11 Minutes To ReadKikuchi Taihei argues that Myanmar’s federalism and national identity roots trace back to Hkun Kyi’s advocacy.
Trifecta of Diplomatic Relations: Report on interconnections between the Republic of China (Taiwan), People’s Republic of China (Mainland China) and Myanmar (Burma)

8 Minutes To ReadMichael Lin-Chiang Lee argues that Taiwan’s democratic values and diplomacy with Myanmar are met with challenges.
Newly-displaced civilians struggle to survive in Momauk township, Kachin State

4 Minutes To ReadYawng Htang captures the latest struggles facing civilians who fled recent fighting between the Kachin Independence Army and Myanmar military. Captions translated by Hpan Ja Brang; additional text by Emily Read the full article…
A Double-Edged Sword: Religious Fundamentalism Intensifies the Trauma of Rohingya Women

6 Minutes To ReadMd. Salman Rahman and Fatema Tuz Zohra Nowreen argue that religious misinterpretation traps Rohingya women in suffering.