Caretaking Democratization: The Military and Political Change in Myanmar by Renaud Egreteau, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, 193 Pages.
5 Minutes To ReadT. F. Rhoden reviews Renaud Egreteau’s new book on Burmese politics and the praetorian side of democratization.
Democratisation of Myanmar by Nehginpao Kipgen, Routledge, New Delhi, 2016, 194 pages
6 Minutes To ReadReshmi Banerjee reviews Nehginpao Kipgen’s new book on Myanmar’s transition.
Freestyle Utopia: Hip Hop and Healing in Meikhtila
4 Minutes To ReadKlara Christensen recounts a cathartic inter-faith freestyle rap session in conflict-torn Meikhtila.
Constructing Civil Society in Myanmar: Struggles for Local Change and Global Recognition by Maaike Matelski, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2016, Pages 318.
8 Minutes To ReadReshmi Banerjee reviews Maaike Matelski’s new PhD dissertation “Constructing Civil Society in Myanmar.”
Learning, Migration and Intergenerational Relations – The Karen and the Gift of Education by Pia Jolliffe, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2016, 180 Pages.
5 Minutes To ReadReshmi Banerjee reviews Pia Jolliffe’s new book on the Karen and the gift of education.
Blood, Dreams and Gold – The Changing Face of Burma by Richard Cockett, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2015, 254 Pages.
5 Minutes To ReadReshmi Bannerjee reviews Richard Cockett’s new book on Myanmar.
Music in Myanmar
6 Minutes To ReadKlara Christensen explores the music scene in Myanmar.
Lost Glory: Reviving Arakan Art
7 Minutes To ReadReshmi Bannerjee writes about the value of Arakan art and history.
Understanding Reform in Myanmar: People and Society in the Wake of Military Rule by Marie Lall, C. Hurst and Co (Publishers) Ltd, London, 2016, 346 Pages.
4 Minutes To ReadReshmi Bannerjee reviews a new book on Myanmar’s transition.
The Female Voice of Myanmar Khin Myo Chit to Aung San Suu Kyi by Nilanjana Sengupta, Cambridge University Press, Delhi, 2015, 383 Pages.
4 Minutes To ReadMyanmar today stands at the crossroads; where conflict and change are becoming daily occurrences. The book by Nilanjana Sengupta comes at an appropriate time where she sensitively takes up the Read the full article…