Defining civilians during the Spring Revolution
7 Minutes To ReadHan Alter (pseudonym) explores how to define civilians in the Spring Revolution.
Myanmar Food Security Threatens Regional Stability
8 Minutes To ReadYu Yu Htay discusses food weaponization and how the state of food production in post-coup Myanmar is leading to domestic hunger and undermining the regional food basket.
Sit-tat or tatmadaw? Debates on what to call the most powerful institution in Burma
3 Minutes To ReadAung Kaung Myat considers the moral and analytical layers in addressing the military institution as “Tatmadaw” or “sit-tat.”
Women’s Rights to Citizenship Documentation
13 Minutes To ReadAye Lei Tun reveals the institutionalization of patriarchal practices through the NRC application process.
Teaching History in Post-Coup Myanmar: Reading Textbooks Upside Down and Sideways
9 Minutes To ReadRosalie Metro discusses how Myanmar government textbooks can be used in innovative ways.
A Journalist’s Diary on “Solidarity Across the Hills and the Mainland” Protest
6 Minutes To ReadLu Nge Khit describes the events of a youth protest in May 2022, in Yangon.
Real Stories not Tales: Story of Su
4 Minutes To ReadSu (pseudonym) speaks about the challenges and opportunities for feminists and young women in Myanmar since the coup.
Rethinking Rebel Governance and Conflict Studies in/through Myanmar
12 Minutes To ReadDavid Brenner reflects on rebel governance in Myanmar and how it challenges Conflict Studies paradigms.
My Nation
7 Minutes To ReadKSN (pseudonym) writes about a moment in which they find themselves. This post was originally published on January 12, 2022. Read the Burmese version here. I have not been back home even Read the full article…
When even dreaming is impossible: how COVID-19 hit Myanmar women working in Thailand’s agricultural sector
6 Minutes To ReadSofie Mortensen and Saw Aung Htun Lin reflect on the gendered impacts of COVID-19 on Myanmar women in Phop Phra, Thailand.