Myanmar’s Peace Process: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, Borderland Economies, Service Delivery, and other Post-Panglong Concerns (Part II)

8 Minutes To ReadBobby Anderson analyzes the complexities of a post-Panglong peace process.
Myanmar’s Peace Process: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, Borderland Economies, Service Delivery, and other Post-Panglong Concerns (Part I)

5 Minutes To ReadBobby Anderson analyzes the complexities of a post-Panglong peace process.
Min Ko Naing and the Saffron Revolution

8 Minutes To ReadMael Raynaud and Thinn Thinn interviewed Min Ko Naing in July in Yangon. Mael Raynaud relates the conversation.
Burma’s “Shackles of the Past” are Today’s Wounds

3 Minutes To ReadVeronica Collins argues that government silence on Burma’s bloody past has led to ongoing human rights abuses.
Breaking the Devil’s Silence: Sexual Violence in Myanmar

5 Minutes To ReadAye Thiri Kyaw asks why sexual violence is so prevalent in Myanmar.
Why the NLD government needs to renegotiate the Salween dams

4 Minutes To ReadJulian Kirchherr and Matthew J Walton urge a shift of focus to other dams in Myanmar.
Is media biased against the ethnic armed organizations in Myanmar?

6 Minutes To ReadYaw Bawm Mangshang analyzes reporting on ethnic conflict.
The Karen in 2017: Resilience, Aspirations and Politics (Part 4)

6 Minutes To ReadTea Circle reviews the last of four panels from a recent Oxford workshop on the Karen. Parts 1, 2 and 3 can be found here, here and here.
The Karen in 2017: Resilience, Aspirations and Politics (Part 3)

5 Minutes To ReadJustine Chambers reviews the third of four panels from a recent Oxford workshop on the Karen.
The Karen in 2017: Resilience, Aspirations and Politics (Part 2)

5 Minutes To ReadGreg Cathcart and Gerard McCarthy review the second of four panels from a recent Oxford workshop on the Karen.