COVID-19 Weaponized Against Unionists in Myanmar
6 Minutes To ReadYe Yint Khant Maung discusses the hardships unionists face during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gender, Violence and Ethnic Conflict in Myanmar
11 Minutes To ReadJae Park and Alexandre Pelletier call attention to gender in thinking about conflict in Myanmar. Despite the signing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in 2015, Myanmar is still at war with itself as fighting Read the full article…
Understanding Recent Survey Data on Kachin’s Heterogeneous Attitudes Toward Myanmar
8 Minutes To ReadJangai Jap explains findings from a recent public opinion survey of Kachin in Myanmar.
COVID-19, Political Movements and the Need to Re-examine Racial Thinking for Future Change
11 Minutes To ReadSai Latt highlights the need to investigate racial thinking for political and social change in Myanmar.
The Entrenched Tatmadaw: Explaining the Dominant Elite in Myanmar’s Political Landscape
9 Minutes To ReadYatana Yamahata explores the reasons behind the Tatmadaw’s stronghold over Myanmar politics.
“Towards Decentralized Power for Improved Efficiency in the MSME Sector”: A Survey of Decentralization in the MSME Sector: NEI Findings and Recommendations Going Forward
11 Minutes To ReadYee Mon Hsu describes some of the findings in NEI’s new report on the decentralization of the MSME sector in Mon and Kayin states.
Towards a True Multilingual State
9 Minutes To ReadEwan Cameron argues that we need to see ethnic languages as resources rather than problems to be overcome.
Perspectives on War, Peace, and Rebel Politics: David’s Response: Taking the Conversation Forward (Part 4)
9 Minutes To ReadDavid Brenner discusses the synergies and productive tensions between different perspectives on Rebel Politics.
Perspectives on War, Peace, and Rebel Politics: Burma’s Civil War Is the Struggle of Political and Social Movements (Part 3)
4 Minutes To ReadKai Htang Lashi comments on Rebel Politics from the perspective of a Kachin activist.
Perspectives on War, Peace, and Rebel Politics: Peace Inheres in Social Relations Formed during War (Part 2)
7 Minutes To ReadShona Loong discusses what Rebel Politics tells us about peacebuilding among Karen communities.