“I don’t want others to face what I faced”: Stories of forced military conscription

11 Minutes To ReadEsther J collects firsthand accounts from people directly impacted by the new military conscription law. Edited by Emily Fishbein.
Newly-displaced civilians struggle to survive in Momauk township, Kachin State

4 Minutes To ReadYawng Htang captures the latest struggles facing civilians who fled recent fighting between the Kachin Independence Army and Myanmar military. Captions translated by Hpan Ja Brang; additional text by Emily Read the full article…
“We always feel unsafe in our homeland”: Dispatches from Kachin IDP youth

10 Minutes To ReadHpan Ja Brang spoke with four people living in camps near Laiza. Edited by Emily Fishbein.
Celebrating Manau in Northeast India

11 Minutes To ReadEmily Fishbein and Kelvin Sinpraw (pseudonym) show how a Kachin tradition defies borders.
A Journalist’s Diary on “Solidarity Across the Hills and the Mainland” Protest

6 Minutes To ReadLu Nge Khit describes the events of a youth protest in May 2022, in Yangon.
Poking the Bear: The Military’s Attempts at Pre-empting the Silent Strike

7 Minutes To ReadAn anonymous Myanmar-based contributor details the junta’s recent efforts to undermine the organizing of protests.
The Military Coup Destroyed Independent Media in Myanmar, but in Rakhine State, It Wasn’t There to Begin With

7 Minutes To ReadKyaw Hsan Hlaing and Emily Fishbein argue that Myanmar’s media climate is dire under the junta but press freedoms in Rakhine State had already unraveled.
A Preliminary Analysis of the Myanmar Military Junta’s Media Propaganda

13 Minutes To ReadSix students from the University of Yangon analyze key themes in the military-controlled and state-owned media since the February 1st coup. On 1st February 2021, the Myanmar military staged a Read the full article…
Wavering at the Turning Point: Myanmar’s response to COVID-19 in March 2020

11 Minutes To ReadNicole Tu-Maung and Matthew Venker trace state narratives about COVID-19 in Myanmar at a critical point in the onset of the pandemic.
What’s in a name: Is the NLD building bridges or burning them?

10 Minutes To ReadCecile Medail examines voices of local people in Mon State on the power of symbolic gestures in building trust between groups.